"Hungry Thirsty Heart," also known as HTH Nation or the Loveheart Family, is a Christian evangelical movement founded by Stephen Ahgahpay Aborisade in 2018. HTH began as a prayer group in Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria, and has since been expanding, reaching toddlers, teens, and people across the world through social media and online platforms. HTH Nation consists of over seven subgroups that engage in daily prayer and intercession for an hour each day.
Classification: Evangelicalism
Theology: Neo-charismatic Movement
Region: Worldwide
Headquarters: Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria
President: Isaiah Chukwunechem Okwese
Official Website: www.hungrythirstyheart.org
We are given the path to stir up and fill up hunger for God and thirst for his Spirit amidst all Men, Youths, Teenagers and toddlers especially, across every tribe, tongue, region, culture, continent and nations.
We are on a course to reach out to all men, youth, teens and toddlers spreading the gift of God to all men which is the Holy Ghost- manifesting and spreading God’s divine presence and his knowledge till the whole earth is filled with his glory.
We are with the assignment to spreading the Love and savour of the Lord Jesus’s knowledge to all men via evangelism and voracious teaching of the word causing every Sons and Daughters to prophecy and knowing the Lord for themselves.
We are with the sight to see every man especially Youths, Teenagers and Toddlers(YTT’s) live a purposeful life boldly.
We are soul winners.
We are love spreaders.
We are God’s sent.